We are launching our first ever community survey- can you help?
International recognition days are our useful annual reminder that social justice issues are actually far from a priority 364 days of the year. Glib social media posts, ludicrous government policy announcements, token well-being campaigns - these annual crumbs of recognition that mental health matters are never enough to satisfy those of us with a passion for activism and real change.
We have been in touch with and working alongside our community since about 2015. Listening to what our community needs is vital to help us to truly address all the gaps out there for regulated mental health professionals with lived experience of mental health challenges. It helps us to tailor our peer support for the allyship, connection, nourishment and activism that we offer. It also helps us to influence funders to prioritise our work.
We’d really love to hear from you ANY DAY if you have interacted with in2gr8mentalhealth in any way. You might have followed us on social media, read one of our posts, subscribed to our website, registered with our forum, or used any of our services such as peer mentoring, training or consultancy. If like us you believe in being part of real change and support what we do, could you spare 8 minutes to complete this survey, to formalise our understanding about the in2gr8mentalhealth community?
We want to know what we can improve, what we do well and to understand what means the most to you. We also want to know a little about who is out there and who needs us. We are listening, and we will be here shining a beacon of hope for our community - today, tomorrow, and ALL of the days.
