Dr Natalie Kemp talks to Cardiff University Clinical Psychology training programme as lead author of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Guidance 'Valuing and Supporting Lived Experience of Mental Health Difficulties in Clinical Psychology Training'.
She speaks about her own position to lived experience and then has a look at the guidance. The guidance was written together with stakeholders from UK clinical psychology training courses (trainees, clinical tutors and placement supervisors). Natalie also lobbied for and was co-lead author of the BPS statement on clinical psychologists with lived experience of mental health difficulties which is relevant background to this. This talk was given in February 2022.
Natalie is Founder CEO of in2gr8mentalhealth CIC and a Clinical Psychologist with lived experience. in2gr8 is a centre for valuing, supporting and destigmatising lived experience of mental health difficulties in the mental health professions. This work underlines how in2gr8mentalhealth, which is lived experience led, works with whole systems around the mental health scene, empowering lived experienced peers, advising NHS Trusts, professional bodies and clinical academia, and writing and influencing policy and guidance.
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