I am delighted to take up a position on the committee of the London Branch of the Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP), one of the Divisions of the British Psychological Society (BPS).
I've taken this opportunity so I can further support the destigmatisation of lived experience in the profession, during the complexities of training in particular. I'll be voicing for lived experience mental health practitioners using my own lived and trained experience, and for the multidisciplinary membership of in2gr8mentalhealth, helping us to branch across desciplines in peer support.
I will also be advocating for systemic, non-individualistic formulations and interventions for staff wellbeing that have meaning at the frontline, and protected pay and time for professional body working - pay whatever mental health experience you are being asked to bring to a mental health task at hand - lived or trained or both.
I am also an Association of Clinical Psychologists (ACP-UK) member and will be taking my support and challenges on these issues there.
I'm looking forward to finding a way forward in my clinical psychology profession that makes sense to me in my recovery, and am mindful of others who might be doing the same in their profession too.
The first committee meeting is this Friday.
You can find in2gr8mentalhealth on Twitter @in2gr8mh and on facebook www.facebook.com/in2gr8mentalhealth
You can find Natalie on Twitter @kempspace and on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/drnataliekemp