in2gr8mentalhealth CIC provides specialist peer consultation to researchers in the mental health field who are undertaking 'insider research' into mental health difficulties, where they also have lived/ing experience of mental health difficulties themselves. Dr Natalie Kemp has experience of being a primary research supervisor for 'insider research' at university Doctoral level, predominantly in qualitative methods. Supporting the stance towards research when a lived experience researcher, has important aspects to consider whether for qualitative or quantitative research, this can mean many of the considerations below:
The benefits of peer consultation:
It can be useful during setting the stance at the beginning of research, during question making and analysis in qualitative work, and considering mentoring as a part of ongoing reflective diaries.
It can support the researcher in considering their own position to their lived experience through the lifetime of the study.
It helps the researcher notice any influences from lived passion and/or pain on the research, and holds that tenderly.
It values and embraces the lived experience of the researcher as an inherent part of what is brought to the research motivation, and supports the researcher to discern knowledge in the service of participants during the study.
in2gr8mentalhealth CIC can support the dissemination of information for recruitment, and of study results.
Some have included our consultation in their grant bids, to ensure that this support is a part of the package of supervision. This is an area that we hear can be under-considered, under-informed, and can suffer from stigma itself within institutional spaces. We are here to help challenge that. We would consider both individual and group Research PeerSpace support.
Do get in touch with us if this is something that is of interest to you at: