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Updated: #in2gr8Elevenses Live on Twitter

Writer: Dr Natalie KempDr Natalie Kemp

Updated: May 5, 2020

#in2gr8Elevenses is live on Twitter @in2gr8mh on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am ☕ I will keep this blog updated with links to the episodes and their content.

Dr Natalie Kemp (Twitter @kempspace) talks from the world of the lived experience mental health professional, seeking to continue the conversation duing current Covid19 times.

If you've got a break, need a break, need to demand a break, feel your whole day is one big break, want to discuss the grit or the good around lived experience...join live with your cuppa/coffee & favourite biscuits.

If you are listening afterwards, use the hashtag #in2gr8Elevenses to comment, I'll be tracking it and will follow up in the next broadcast.

If you are a mental health professional with lived experience, be a guest with your cuppa and discuss how things are for you and where you are working (audio only on your side and it remains permanent on social media).


In date order, recent #in2gr8Elevenses first


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 5th May


☕ A first talk to peer mentors @AneurinBevanUHB sharing lived experience across the patch

☕ Gathering a Multi-Trust Staff Mental Health Network to share good practice, email us via our contact page

☕ More about the video series 'in conversation with' Natalie Kemp, see here

☕ Troll blocked! Dear oh dear, that was stigma in action.


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 23rd April

This #in2gr8Elevenses with Natalie Kemp (@kempspace) is about the process of writing #MyShare articles with members of #in2gr8mentalhealth: writing about being a mental health professional with lived experience of mental health problems.


☕ The power of sharing stories that have been silenced.

☕ Sharing within the mental health workforce

☕ in2gr8 peer support as safe base from which to explore

☕ Writing as transformative

☕ I will have guests next week on #in2gr8Elevenses on Tues and Weds (instead of Thursday).

If you are a mental health professional with lived experience of mental health problems, and would like to write a #MyShare for our blog. Get in touch with me at


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 21st April

Featuring snippet readings from "Coming Out Proud To Erase The Stigma Of Mental Illness" by Corrigan, Larson & Michaels.


☕ Challenging stigma & that daily ordinary work

☕ Self-stigma & why try?

☕ Coming out proud & authenticity

☕ The 3am club

☕ Promoting affirming attitudes of Hope & Recovery as the rule

More about the National Consortium on Stigma and Empowerment:


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 16th April


Today's #in2gr8Elevenses was a short reading from a very moving story that forms the preface of David Gilbert's book 'The Patient Revolution'. It speaks of the jewels that can be brought forward from the caves of suffering to help guide. You can buy the book here on Amazon:


Lived experience must be intrinsic to guiding responses to covid19, whether it's about lived experience of mental health problems or physical health difficulties /ICU.


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 14th April (after a break for a week)


Books mentioned: 'When Things Fall Apart' by Pema Chodron 'The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse' by Charlie Mackesy


Valuing the lived experience of those who have gone through breakdowns and crises, to help us navigate this current pandemic and global crisis.


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 2nd April


Thanks for joining @haslam_matt & for your excellent question @NaomiByTheSea

"Q: As MH profs with lived experience, how can we help ourselves & each other make space for our whole selves, both the competent professional & vulnerable human bits during a global crisis?"


#Mentalhealth stigma when a provider of mental health services

Vulnerability & professional competence

Turning marathons into relay races

Doing the best we can w/all this during #COVID19


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 31st March.

Content: (Please be aware that this particular episode is a slightly teary one which covers thinking about difficult feelings during Covid19, including death x💙x)

☕ Staff wellbeing and lived experience professional agendas and Equality Act.

#In2gr8mentalhealth forum update

☕ Work of the Traumatic Stress Clinic & UCL Unit for Stigma Research (@Uclusresearch) and UCL (@ucl)

Colouring hair and baking bread at home


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 26th March


☕ Lived experience of mental health difficulties as a mental health professional

☕ UCL Unit for Stigma Research

☕ Astronaut isolation tips

☕ WHO advice


☕ Biscuits


🔽 #in2gr8Elevenses on 24th March


☕ Lived experience of mental health problems in the mental health professions

These are the agencies I mentioned who have good sources of advice and support World Health Organisation (@WHO) Inter-Angency Standing Committee (@iascch) The charity MIND (@MindCharity)

☕ British Psychological Society (@BPSOfficial) and Division of Clinical Psychology (@UKDCP) and Association of Clinical Psychologists (@UK_ACP) will be cohering psychological responses to psychosocial need during Covid19







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