Update: Please find the link here to register.
in2gr8mentalhealth is delighted to be invited to Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership Wellbeing Festival on Tues 29th June 2021 at 10am.
Dr Natalie Kemp will be speaking to NHS Health and Social Care providers on how we can understand, and talk about, provider mental health stigma and it's maintenance. She'll be valuing her own lived experience as part of the task - as always, trouncing historical denigrations of competence, and discussing the limits of wellbeing agendas in addressing this. We will have time for breakout discussion groups and thinking about how to continue the conversation.
It is a pleasure to be invited to 'say it how it is' for the many of us with lived experience of mental health difficulties as providers of services, and fuse in some systems thinking 😊
Hope to see you there!