Dr Anna Sicilia is stepping down as a Director of in2gr8mentalhealth and we will miss her incredible talent and heartfelt work here in our community very much. Anna helped us to set up our services back when we launched them in September 2020. Although Anna has left her Directorship, she remains a member of our community. In her own words:
"in2gr8mentalhealth came into my life at a time when I was battling with the stigma of being a clinical psychologist who had needed to take time off work because of my own mental health. I wasn't the only one but stigma makes you feel very isolated and silenced. in2gr8mentalhealth was the only place that was portraying a different narrative around lived experience of mental health difficulties in mental health professionals. A narrative where lived experience was valued and not something to be ashamed of."
"Fast forward a year, I found myself working alongside Dr Natalie Kemp as director of in2gr8mentalhealth with the most amazing people in our community. I have had the best two years learning and developing through in2gr8mentalhealth."
"Life changes meant that I have now taken the very difficult decision to leave my position as director of in2gr8mentalhealth but in2gr8 and the community of people that I have had the privilege to meet will always hold a special place in my heart."
"I would like to take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to Dr Natalie Kemp for bringing me on board for the amazing journey we have had in the last two years. It was no easy decision to leave but I know that I am leaving in2gr8mentalhealth in very capable hands. The other thank you goes to Dr Helen Taylor, who has now become director at in2gr8mentalhealth."
Should you meet Anna on your travels, you will know you have met an ally and a friendly face on any of the issues around lived experience in the professions. We wish Anna all the very best in her next steps.