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in2gr8Mentoring and PeerSpace

Green Leaves

A mentoring relationship at in2gr8mentalhealth is a space where we can connect together about the experience of navigating the provider mental health scene with lived or living experience of mental health difficulties ourselves.  Whether it is individual or small group peer mentoring, our mentees have given us great feedback on how it has felt like a relief to talk to someone who knows.

We consider our main clients to be the mental health system and professions themselves. They have been stigmatising and excluding of those of us with mental health difficulties. We will help to validate the impacts of this, which can be isolation, systems defaulting to questions of competency rather than considering capacity, and feeling 'less than' other professionals.  


We offer one - to - one or PeerSpace group mentoring.


Both are monthly, the one to one meetings can be one off check-ins or a series of meetings, whatever feels helpful. In response to seeking development feedback from our community, our PeerSpace programme has changed from an eight meeting closed group offer, to a rolling monthly drop in space. Please see our recent blog for more information.

Who can access in2gr8mentoring?

Our mentoring services are open to any aspiring, trainee and qualified or accredited registered mental health professionals (Registered Mental Health Nursing, Psychologists, Counsellors, Psychiatrists, Mental Health Social Workers, Mental Health Occupational Therapists). You will have lived or living experience of mental health difficulties, that means having experienced mental health difficulties for which you have sought private or public services or therapy for support. You may be in work, not currently in work, or between workplaces. You may be anywhere in your personal journey with your difficulties.  


We recognise that it is often difficult as a mental health professional to find spaces that understand what it is like in our current culture, to be both a provider and seeker of support. We offer the space to explore and we debunk 'Fitness to Practise Fear' which can often be at the heart of some people's worries. We are peers who are open about having lived/ing experience of mental health difficulties as professionals ourselves. We are experienced in navigating the barriers, themes and feelings that can arise and the systems around us in this area when we present with our humanity. We provide a lived perspective and can help reduce the feeling of isolation that stigma will want to perpetuate: we won't let it.

For more information about in2gr8mentoring, click here to access our introductory guide to one to one and Peerspace mentoring (please note we will update about the new rolling group on this guide shortly). 

Drop in Monthly PeerSpace

This is a link to the password protected booking page for the rolling drop-in PeerSpace running monthly from September 2024. Please use this to book your place in the group.

This group is open to those who have been in previous PeerSpace groups, or individual mentoring, or have had an initial conversation to see if this fits their needs.

If you are interested in joining, please first book in an initial conversation above. 





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