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in2gr8 Learning and Development Centre

Welcome to the in2gr8mentalhealth learning and development centre. We develop a rich programme of face-to-face and online training and webinars to destigmatise, value, support and increase awareness of lived experience of mental health difficulties in the mental health professions. Our Directors have been proud to offer teaching, training and workshops on this subject to professional mental health training courses at universities and for professional bodies since 2016.


Request to book a tailored training package for your organisation. We will work with you to develop training that best suits the needs of your organisation. If you would like to know more about this service, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us and one of our Directors would be happy to arrange a telephone or video conference call to discuss further.

Leave your details if your NHS Trust is interested in joining with others in a good practice hub that we would like to convene, facilitated by us, to support the development of lived experience networks in the UK. 

Access exclusive subscriber resources - get in touch with us for more information.

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subscriber resources


Get in touch about exclusive subscriber resources, or if you are interested in your Trust Lived Experience Network having access to a facilitated space, run by those with lived experience of mental health difficulties, to share good practice and develop your work (please reference 'subscriber resources' or 'hub' in your message)

‘I found the experiential approach in teaching rather than lecturing really useful’ 

'Safe reflective space. Acknowledgement of systemic factors in institutions and society.’ 

‘This was one of the best training sessions I have ever been on –thank you! It’s really beneficial and hope there is more of this on training.’ 

' I found the whole of the day interesting, exploratory and interactive.’  

‘The facilitators generated rich discussion and I found the small group work really helpful.’


‘Very inspiring to hear about experiences of the facilitators of mental health services as professionals…Feel more confident to talk about lived experiences generally.’ 

‘This workshop provided a safe reflective space.’ 

‘Having space to reflect on situations that I and my colleagues have encountered in supervision. Idea to disseminate knowledge of lived experience groups within the service, e.g.  share slides in locality meetings. Reflecting on new ways to approach issues that some of my supervisees are experiencing. Thinking about developing more supervision provision to other parts of the service.’ 





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