What is in2gr8mentalhealth?
Blog & News
NHS Staff Wellbeing Policies Miss The Opportunity To Support The Valuing of Lived Experience In Ment
Joining Division of Clinical Psychology London Branch Committee To Further Support Lived Experience
in2gr8mentalhealth Officially Recognised as a Pathfinder Site for Staff Wellbeing by British Psychol
in2gr8mentalhealth speaking at British Psychological Society staff wellbeing conference, Brighton 20
BPS News: Survey of mental health workforce finds many services compromised by staff vacancies
Working under fear of punishment won't heal people or services, it will only break them.
Is Ireland thinking about staff mental health and wellbeing as well, as services struggle?
Support for the Guardian article "Care workers need support to handle the emotional impact of o
Compassionate care for the NHS workforce
Being a clinical psychologist in recovery from mental ill health: stigma, identity, 'othering
Speaking at the Division of Clinical Psychology London on Staff Wellbeing 26.1.17
Developing a National Forum for Trainee / Qualified Psychologists with Lived Experience of Psycholog